For learning first aid, we do not need to have any illness. We do not wait for crisis in our life to use a first aid kit. But it is the handiest help available to us for small cuts and wounds or like during the “Golden Hour” period during crises, before you reach the suitable professional for help. Keep EmoAid handy for oneself and others around you.
EmoAid or Emotional first aid is required for an individual’s personal wellbeing, hence it could be used by anyone. It is easy to learn and easy to practice and our participants belong to all age groups- adolescents, teens, young adults, parents, grandparents. Younger kids learn from adults just by mere watching and observation.
Although anyone can learn EmoAid, our regular batches have an age limit of 16 and above. Though younger children between the age of 12 to 15 years can attend the kids’ program only once a parent/guardian has attended the program.
Within 24 hours, we go through different moods and emotions for example being happy, irritated, angry, worried, excited, etc. But sometimes, we get stuck with some negative feelings for many hours or days. This might take away our productivity, create helplessness when dealing with daily challenges, increase distractions, cause overthinking, and may affect
different individuals differently. EmoAid thus provides you with various techniques that could give you the confidence of dealing with your own emotions, help you reach your positive feelings and also save your time.
The program is designed to work on negative emotions. There are different techniques for handling different emotions and issues. Therefore, some will give instant results whereas some may need practice.
The program is not an alternative to any kind of therapy, medication or mental health professional. It is simply a first aid kit for your emotional and mental health. We do not advise you to use EmoAid Self Help Program as a replacement/ reason for discontinuation of your treatments.
Learning is not compromised when the EmoAid Self Help Program is attended online.
You need at least 3- 6 weeks of self-practice to imbibe all the tools and techniques learnt during EmoAid program. As the techniques are easy to learn, you will be able to share them with others.
Attending the program does not make you a facilitator of EmoAid. We have a separate training program for those of you who want to become a Facilitator of EmoAid. If you are keen to be one, kindly contact us on contact@emoaid.in

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