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Enhancing my Emotional Quotient

I would like to start by extending my regards and warmth to the entire EmoAid team for designing a program that helped me to understand myself and also manage my interpersonal relationships more effectively.

I was told about EmoAid by the CCAW team (Centre for Child and Adolescent Well Being). At first, I thought it would be something like Yoga, to calm your mind and stop feeling anxious, but today after 1 month from my first session and after attending many sessions, I can say that I fully understand the importance of EmoAid. EmoAid truly does what it intends to ‘EMO+Aid = EmoAid. This program is like a First Aid Kit for healing negative emotions and feeling more positive and loving ourselves.

The techniques which EmoAid sessions train for enables us to improve our mental toughness, deal with everyday stress, remain calm and happy in tensed situations and more importantly feel positive about ourselves and the people around us.

EmoAid helped me gain insight about my bodily experiences, which was something that needed to be done. The program involved many innovative techniques which have really helped me and enhanced a feeling of self-love.

Another really unique feature about this program is that it has also formed a feeling of sense of community for people where they can share their emotions and receive positive feedback and advice from other group members as the sessions are conducted. I would like especially appreciate the facilitators that they have respected the participants’ privacy and have encouraged the fact that whatever is discussed about one’s personal life stays within the community.

Now, whenever I experience negative emotions, I know which technique to practice and it has helped me to a great extent. I am sure EmoAid is the perfect solution for the mental health crises we are facing today especially in difficult times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs such as these, are the need of the hour to overcome the stigma that is attached to Mental Health today.

– by Sahir Ralhan.

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